- These lessons answer unique questions not addressed in the New Testament. How did the world and human beings begin? Why is there sin and trouble in the world? How did God prepare the world for the coming Savior?
- These lessons show the depth of God's love and concern for His people. They show His providence for both the spiritual needs of all people, and for their physical needs as well. (God provided food for a widow and her son through Elijah. He also provided food for "all the earth" [Genesis 41:57 ESV].)
- These lessons shares God's forgiveness.
- These lessons demonstrates God's love for all nations. (Yes, Jonah, that includes Nineveh!)
- These lessons reveal Christ. He is revealed in the first Passover lamb and the blood painted on the door frames. He is revealed in the ram caught in the thicket. He is revealed in the bronze serpent lifted up on a pole for the healing of Israel.
This fall the cycle begins anew, with lessons coming from the first 28 chapters of Genesis.
God bless you as you teach His children His Old Testament Word!