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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Can't Wait for Easter?

Perhaps you'll enjoy, and have an opportunity to share, this video from your friends at Concordia Publishing House.

God bless your Easter celebration and as you teach God's children His Word!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Devoted Time

Here's a message your families might benefit from hearing, about the blessing of "devoted time": family devotions.

CPH has prepared a short, encouraging video. You can access it HERE.

Feel free to share this link with others. You can also access the video by browsing to and searching for the video on the Concordia Publishing House channel. Search for "Concordia Publishing House family devotions."

God bless your families as they engage His children with His Word.

Friday, March 13, 2015

A Sunday School Crisis

It strikes me that we have a crisis. Sunday School ministry in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has decreased nearly every year for the past twenty, from nearly 650,000 students and teachers in 1993 to fewer than 350,000 in 2013. In 1993, 93 percent of our LCMS congregations conducted Sunday School; in 2013 only 83% did so. We are not trending well!

Such a crisis merits attention at every level of our synod: national, district, and, of course, congregational. I suspect that most of my readers tend to Sunday Schools at the congregational level, so let me suggest three facets of our Sunday School crisis that might deserve attention.
  • We have a "Crisis of Mission": How do we connect Sunday School to the mission statement, the basic purpose, of the congregation? How can it become known as integral to that mission?
  • We have a "Crisis of Action": How do we get the child or adult who does not attend to attend once? How do we get the first-time attender to return? How do we get the occasional attender to attend more frequently?
  • We have a "Crisis of Focus": How can Sunday School be elevated in the eyes of the congregation's leaders and people? What voices in the congregation will be most readily heard when they speak in support of more family focus in Christian education?
The answers to these questions will be unique to your congregation, but your answers might also assist others. Feel free to share the questions and answers in your congregation. I also invite you to share your suggestions here.

God bless you as you teach His children His Word!

Friday, March 6, 2015

An Invitation for Questions

For me, writing this blog is a discipline. It is not always easy to find the time or that great topic for each week's post, but doing it each week keeps me thinking.

My goal is to be more helpful than provocative.

Let me then extend this invitation:

What question or topic would you find it helpful for me to address in a future post?

I'll do my best to accommodate your needs.

In the meantime, God bless you for teaching His children His Word!