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Friday, September 30, 2016

Equipping Teachers

What kind of training and support do you provide your Sunday School teachers? Your answer to that question will speak volumes about how willing people are to volunteer for that position.

Do you . . .
  • provide a job description?
  • have a prospective teacher shadow an experienced teacher?
  • walk a new teacher through his or her first lesson preparation?
  • provide informative material?
  • offer regular teacher meetings for discussion and preparation?
  • host quarterly or annual workshops for teachers?
  • send teachers to training events?
  • follow up after the first lesson to encourage and assist?
Fear of failure is one of the biggest deterrents for most first-time volunteer teachers. If you offer a teaching position to a new volunteer, promise to do everything in your power to help him or her succeed, and then keep your promise.

God's blessings as you teach His children His Word!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Let the Children Come to Me

Jesus said to them, "Let the children come to Me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God." Mark 10:14

Not, "Let the children come to soccer." Not, "Let the children come to have fun." Not, "Let the children come when we feel like it."

"Let the children come to Me." The Church wastes its time when it tries to entertain children on Sunday morning; the world offers far better entertainment. The Church wastes its time when it fails to point out the eternal, spiritual difference between participating in sports and hearing the Gospel. The Church wastes its time when it offer Sunday School material that does not consistently teach the Law and the Gospel each week, showing students their sin and pointing them to their Savior.

God bless you as you teach His children His Word, as you bring them to Him!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Simple Steps to Combining Classes

Occasionally, low attendance or absent teachers make it necessary to teach a broad range of children in a single group.
Since Growing in Christ and Cross Explorations are unified curricula, you can successfully teach a broadly-graded group of children when attendance is low. Here's what I would suggest to accomplish this.
Give each student the lesson leaflet appropriate for his or her grade/age.
  • Teach from the teacher guide that matches the leaflet used by the majority of the students, or the guide that hits the middle of your age-range.
  • Prepare your lesson ahead of time using this guide, but have the guides for the other levels handy to switch out or adapt activities to best suit your students' needs.
  • Accommodate varying reading ability by assigning reading only to volunteers; be alert for words that need to be defined for younger children.
  • When the guide directs students to do activities in the leaflet, have the students work in groups that share a common leaflet, or adapt the activity so that it can be done without the leaflet.
  • If you have extra time in class, allow the students to complete any leaflet activities that they did not get to do during the lesson. Or, encourage them to do these at home.
God bless you as you teach His children is Word.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Seeds of Faith Podcasts

Many teachers are using Seeds of Faith podcasts as part of their lesson preparation each week. The podcasts are usually recorded in the week prior to the lesson's “normal” use. So congregation who are running ahead of that schedule won’t be able to access the latest podcast. In addition, only the “Recommended” quarter is getting new podcasts.

However, you can access archived versions from previous years. Here’s how:
•             Click on “Tools” on the website.
•             Scroll down to display the “Seeds of Faith Podcast” link and click on it.
•             Click on any podcast in the list on the right half of the page; it does not matter which one.
•             When that podcast’s page displays, there will be a “Search for” box under the Growing in Christ logo. Type the title of the lesson or the Bible passage you are teaching in that box and search.
•             The podcasts related to that title or passage may be “stacked” in the resulting page. If the lesson you are teaching is not the first one, you can probably scroll down a ways to find it.

 If you have difficulty, one of the editors will be delighted to assist; just send a note to and we’ll send you a link.

God’s blessings as you teach His children His Word!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Sunday School on Labor Day Weekend?

Did you have Sunday School this past Labor Day weekend? If you did . . .
  • You shared God's life-giving Word with some children.
  • You demonstrated a commitment to life-long Christian education.
  • You showed visitors your church's commitment to children's ministry.
You didn't have Sunday School? Plan on it for next year, and on other holiday weekends, for all the reasons above. Sure, you can . . .
  • Combine classes as needed.
  • Rotate teaching responsibilities so that some teachers always get a break.
  • Organize something special, like strawberries and ice cream after class. 
But don't miss an opportunity to teach God's children His Word!