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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Integrating Sunday School and Worship

A while back I offered some criteria for excellent Sunday School materials (see it here). Included was the suggestion that such material "integrate with the congregation's worship." What does that mean?

I believe that children of any age have a place not only in Sunday School and Christian education, but also in the Divine Service. The congregation needs to understand that worship is for children as well as adults, and children should feel welcome and included in the congregation's worship. While it's true that a restless child may occasionally need to be taken out of the sanctuary briefly during worship, their complete absence troubles me. It makes me wonder at what age they are then expected to return?

An excellent Sunday School curriculum will support and equip families to worship together. It will teach children about the elements of the Divine Service, teach and use the hymns that the congregation sings, and connect to the lessons and sermons that the children will hear in the service. It will cause children to say in worship, "We sang/heard/learned about that in Sunday School!" And it will cause children in Sunday School to say, "We sang/heard/learned about that in church!"

CPH's Growing in Christ Sunday School material have several features that promote this kind of synergy. More than two-thirds of the Bible accounts taught in Sunday School are drawn from the Gospel readings or liturgical occasions used by congregations following the three-year lectionary. Since GiC is a unified curriculum, that means that the family will share many connections in worship and Sunday School that can inform their discussion and devotion throughout the week. Elements of the liturgy are often taught in the curriculum, including many "Liturgy Connections" that are introduced in each quarter. Hymns are suggested for each lesson that come from the standard repertoire of a congregation.

How does your congregation encourage (or hinder) the participation of children in worship?

How does your Sunday School support and integrate with the congregation's worship?


  1. I agree that all of this is important! It hurts my heart to see children leaving worship. You are right on the mark to say that children's place is IN worship, with their parents and families. Thanks for all you do / write to emphasis the importance of this fact!

  2. Thanks for checking in, Kristen. God bless!
