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Monday, September 12, 2011

Keys to an Effective Sunday School

More than twenty-five years ago Kennon Callahan authored a wonderful book that shaped much of my thinking about how a congregation works. It is titled Twelve Keys to an Effective Church and it is still available in limited quantities. It is worth reading.

His "twelve keys" are also worth looking at in terms of Sunday School.

The first key in his list of twelve is one of six relational keys "Specific, Concrete Missional Objectives." Simply put, if you don't know where you are going, any road is as good (or bad) as another; you have a great chance of wandering endlessly.

Specific, because until you can state your objective(s) briefly and clearly, you have little hope of meeting them.

Concrete, because if you can't actually envision the end result, describing it in tangible ways, you cannot really plan to go there.

Missional, which I always thought was an odd word, pushes your objectives out of the selfish and maintenance oriented realm into the world of Christian service.

How would you describe the objectives for your Sunday School? Are they written down? Are they specific, concrete, and missional?

I would love to hear about them! As the weeks unfold, I'll strive to unpack the other eleven "keys" as they related to Sunday School.

God bless you as you teach His children His Word!

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