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Monday, April 2, 2012

Will you use PowerPoint in Sunday School?

I'm not the cutting edge technology person I once thought I was. More and more, I'm relying on others for assistance in the technological parts of my work. But I'm striving to grow.

I'm doing workshops now using PowerPoint outlines. It really is a helpful tool.

The new Cross Explorations curriculum from CPH will offer several PowerPoint resources. The Explore openings will be available as PowerPoint programs, including the songs with linked music. The Express Music sessions will have the option of recorded music, lyrics on PowerPoint, and lyric PowerPoints with linked recordings. These resources, of course, will be beneficial only to congregations where projection systems are in place allowing the PowerPoint resources to be displayed in the assembly area or classroom.

To be frank, we don't really know how many of our customers will find those resources helpful or how many will simply be frustrated. I'm looking forward to the mail.

The point I'd like to make is this: technology is here to stay. To the degree that we fail to use it in Christian education, we risk being marginalized by the students and families for whom technology is fully integrated into their daily lives.

* What resources do you think our publishing house should be offering in digital formats or with digital components?

* Do you use projected PowerPoint resources in your Sunday School? When and how?

* What should be our top priority in this regard?

God's blessings as you use technology to teach God's children His Word!

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