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Friday, May 25, 2012

Theology Added?

I hear it all the time from Christian education leaders in LCMS congregations: "I use [insert the name of a non-Lutheran publisher] material and add the Lutheran theology." Do they? Really?

Forget for a moment that LCMS congregations pledge as members of the snyod to use only doctrinally approved worship and education resources. How do you add Lutheran theology to heterodox material? A non-Lutheran lesson begins with a non-Lutheran premise, sets non-Lutheran goals and weaves them tightly into the lesson plan, and is designed from start to finish to teach something that is not Lutheran. A heterodox lesson with Lutheran theology added will still be a heterodox lesson.

Lay leaders in our congregations might be forgiven for not realizing this and should be instructed. Pastors, DCEs, and other professional church workers should know better.

Editing Christian education materials for theological content is very hard work. I know. I also admit that I am biased. I am not objective on this point. But it seems far easier to me to add the kind of creative activities you think a lesson lacks than to "add the Lutheran theology."

Am I missing something? Does what we teach on Sunday morning really matter?


  1. Well said, Tom. Well said. It matters! Theology certainly matters!

  2. Kristen, I'm obviously "preaching to the choir." Thanks, though, for the affirmation.
