Once a year, you should take a close look at the Sunday School material offered by your denomination's publisher.
- If you don't use their material already, you should give them an opportunity to win you over.
- If you already use material from your publisher, you should check out other material that you don't currently use, and you should look closely at the material you do use, asking how this material could be improved to serve you even better.
- In either case, you should write your evaluative comments into a letter or e-mail and send it to the publisher.
- Your Sunday School will grow through the new resources you discover, the discussions you have about what's important in your material, and the conviction that your curriculum is the best you can find.
- Your publisher is part of your church family. They are your friends. They deserve your support if you are able to give it, and they deserve your help in improving their product.
- Things change. The material you checked out in 2006 or even last year has certainly changed, hopefully for the better, based in no small part on feedback just like what you will provide.
- If the publisher is missing the mark, they deserve an opportunity to improve.
- You will almost certainly see something great that you hadn't noticed before.
- The material they publish will teach the theology that your church believes and will avoid the errors your church body seeks to avoid.
- The improvements you suggest will help your congregation. They will also help hundreds of other congregations who have the same needs.
- If your church publisher is Concordia Publishing House, they will!
- Your feedback will be acknowledged within twenty-four hours.
- Your suggestions will become part of our "Voice of the Customer" database, used to guide product development.
- While not every idea can be implemented immediately, every idea has impact.
God bless you as you teach His children His Word!
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