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Monday, March 10, 2014

What Are You Doing This Summer?

Have you chosen your Summer Sunday School curriculum yet?

Be sure to check out "H2Oh! God Keeps His Promises."

Sample materials will loaded to next week (click on either "Growing in Christ" or "Cross Explorations" and then click on the word "Summer" near the middle of your screen).

Dive into these Bible stories to discover the promises God made to His people in the Bible and to us! Young explorers will jump into the Bible to learn more about Noah, Moses, Elijah, Jonah, Naaman, Lydia, Paul and others as they discover how God has poured out His love for His people in these fourteen Old and New Testament stories:
  • H2Oh! Everywhere (Noah)
  • Walking through H2Oh! (Crossing the Red Sea)
  • Miraculous H2Oh! (Water from the Rock)
  • H2Oh! Survival (Elijah at the Brook Cherith)
  • Fire and H2Oh! (Elijah and the Prophets of Baal)
  • Cleansing H2Oh! (Naaman Healed)
  • H2Oh! Ride (Jonah)
  • Revealing H2Oh! (John the Baptist)
  • Changing H2Oh! (Wedding at Cana)
  • H2Oh! Safety (Built on the Rock)
  • Servant H2Oh! (Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet)
  • Meeting at the H2Oh! (Lydia is Baptized)
  • H2Oh! Rescue (Paul’s Shipwreck)
  • Living H2Oh! (The River of Life)

  • (Five other "water" Bible accounts will be used in CPH's 2014 VBS, "Gangway to Galilee!" It's a summer to share God's rescue.)

    God bless you as you teach His children His Word!

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