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Monday, August 11, 2014

Looking Ahead to the Fall Quarter of Sunday School

The lessons in the coming quarter of Concordia's Sunday School materials take us back to the very beginning of the Old Testament—the creation of the world, the fall into sin, the formation of a nation through whom God planned to send a Savior.
Of the 150 Bible accounts we study every three years or so, more than 50 are from the Old Testament. Why? Because it’s there where we find explanations of how we came to be, why we need to hear the Law, why we need also the sweet words of the Gospel. Whether taking us through the narrative history of God’s plan for salvation or giving us pictures (theologians call them types) that foreshadow the coming Savior, each Sunday School lesson we study in the Old Testament points us toward the sacrifice of Christ for our sins.
There are many good reasons to use Concordia Publishing House materials. Whether you use Growing in Christ or Cross Explorations, you’re getting lessons that balance Law and Gospel and, most important, focus on Christ as our Savior.

God bless you as you teach God’s children His Word!

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