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Friday, December 9, 2016

What's It Worth?

What is a solid, Lutheran Sunday School worth to your congregation?

Sadly, for too many Lutheran congregations, the answer seems to be, "Not very much." They run what Seth Godin calls "the race to the bottom," choosing just-barely-good-enough material for the lowest possible cost.

Color printing? Never mind that realistic biblical and life-application art contributes significantly to student engagement and the message that the stories in the Bible are not just stories, but historical events. Color printing is too expensive.

Sound doctrine? That's nice, but theologically trained editors and careful publication processes add measurably to the cost of material. I'm not sure that the children, parents, educational leaders, or pastors care all that much.

There are a few things for which people are still willing to pay more for the quality of a known brand over the lower-priced generic. A cell phone. An engagement ring. Coffee. Is Sunday School among them? It depends on what you value.

God bless you as you teach God's children His Word.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Teaching God's Children

The task of teaching God's children His Word is shared. Certainly parents bear the primary responsibility for providing for this Christian education of their children through their personal instruction at home and by bringing their children to the Divine Service, participating in Sunday School, and enrolling their children in a Lutheran school if one is available to them.

And of course, the Lutheran congregation shares this responsibility as it administers the Sacraments, especially Baptism, operates a Sunday School for all ages, and institutes a Lutheran school for the education of the children of the congregation and community.

It is a partnership. It involves mutual accountability. The congregation may at time need to remind parents of their responsibility to take advantage of the Christian education opportunities. And at times, the parents may need to remind the congregation of its responsibility to maintain high standards of instruction and curriculum in the Sunday School and other Christian education agencies.

At the end of the day, at the end of time, I doubt that excuses will serve. We didn't have enough money. I was too busy to volunteer. The material they used in Sunday School was boring. God commands that His children be instructed in His Word (Deuteronomy 6:6-7). And He promises to use such instruction to bless His children (Isaiah 55:10-11).

God bless you as you teach His children His Word!

Friday, November 18, 2016

The Impact of the Children's Christmas Service

The annual Children's Christmas Service is a wonderful tradition. (This year CPH has released To Us a Child Is Born, a classic service by Lisa Clark and organized around the gorgeous new Christmas song. Check it out!) It provides an opportunity for in-depth instruction about the Nativity during preparation, and for children to share the Gospel with family, congregation, and community.

Plan carefully, though, to ensure that preparing for this service does not detract from Sunday School's chief purpose, to instruct children in that Gospel. Limit the use of Sunday School time for rehearsal; never skip the Sunday School lesson completely. Use the songs the children will sing in the service as part of your Sunday School openings or closings for several weeks before the service. Encourage parents to step up, helping their children learn songs and speaking parts at home.

Then smile as those lambs, angels, shepherds, Wise Men, and Holy Family speak and sing the Gospel in the days before Christmas, sharing "the blessed gift of heaven!"

God bless you as you teach His children the Christmas Gospel.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Things You Won't Hear from a Lutheran Educator

Lutheran educators are those who truly understand Lutheran theology and care about teaching the Bible accurately according to the Lutheran Confessions. You will not hear them say . . .
  • "This is good material, but use your Lutheran filters." Material for Lutheran Christian education will be fundamentally Lutheran, created with a Lutheran world view.
  • "I use XXX Publisher's material, but I tweak it to be more Lutheran." Lutheranism is not a tweak. Heterodox material with a little Lutheranism added is still heterodox material.
  • "The material we use is not Lutheran, but it is solid Christian material. It is good enough for Sunday School." Where will Sunday School students learn about discerning Law and Gospel, understanding their vocations, and the benefits of the Sacraments? What will they gain from a steady diet of moralism and works righteousness?
God bless you as you teach His children His Word!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Be Careful What You Promise Your Volunteers

I've heard it said in a business context, "Under-promise and over-deliver." That's, of course, to counter the natural tendency of some to "over-promise and under-deliver."

"Over-promising," when it comes to volunteer enlistment is deadly. "It's easy!" "The curriculum does the work for you!" "You can just show up and teach." "The kids in this class are all angels."

Nor is "under-promising" a road to successful enlistment.

It seems that your mother was probably right: be honest, do your best, take responsibility, and forgive failure.

Be honest. Tell your potential volunteer exactly what you think the task will take. Tell them what skills and abilities you see that they have to do the task successfully. And be honest about what you will do to help them.

Do your best. Do everything you can to help your volunteer succeed. Provide orientation and training. Stand alongside the volunteer and coach through their first couple classes. Check back to see how they are doing. Don't short-change them in terms of providing all the necessary resources.

Take responsibility. If things don't go well at some point, be ready to support and defend the volunteer, and to assist in getting things back on track. If the volunteer decides to step down, offer sincere thanks, free from guilt, and learn from the experience what you can do better next time.

Forgive failure. Both in the volunteer, and in yourself. In this fallen world, things don't always work out. God forgives our failure; so should we.

Know that every minute and every dollar you invest in a volunteer to help them succeed is worth it, because the task you share has eternal results: forgiveness, life, and salvation for God's children.

God bless you as you teach His children His Word!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Hidden Costs of Free Material

I know that churches face tight budgets. I pray fervently that congregations would be spared making choices between increasing the sub-standard pay for their church workers or purchasing quality material for their Sunday School. The lure of free Sunday School material may be hard to resist.

But consider these hidden costs of free material.
  • Loss of color art. Free material is usually all black and white. Gone is the full-color art work, craft pages, and stickers found in material that costs something. Loss of art results in less realism, and less comprehension.
  • Cost of photocopies. Most free material is available through Internet download or perhaps as files on a CD; it offers exclusively reproducible student material. The local church is on the hook to print no only the teacher guides, but also all the student material. And, as most church workers know, copies on the church copier are not really free.
  • Expectation of quality. There is a subtle price we pay in what we expect of free material. "Okay, there are some typos, but it's free." "Well, no, it's not really Lutheran, but it's free." "It's a little more work for our leaders and volunteers, but it's free."
  • Weak theological content. This one deserves to be mentioned again. I have yet to see free Sunday School material with strong biblical, Christ-centered, truly Lutheran content.
  • Lack of doctrinal review. This is the reason, of course, for weak doctrine: no free Sunday School curriculum offered today goes through the doctrinal review process used by all entities of The Lutheran Church---Missouri Synod.  
Is it truly worth using free material if it fails to teach God's clear Word of Law and Gospel? Near the end of his reign King David was moved to offer a sacrifice in thanks for God's compassion in the face of David's sin. Ironically, the sacrifice was made in the spot that would eventually become the location of Solomon's temple. David bought both the place of sacrifice and the wood and oxen from a Jebusite named Araunah, though Araunah had offered to give them to David for free. David's response? “I will not offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God that cost me nothing” (2 Samuel 24:24).

God bless you are you teach His children His Word.

Friday, October 14, 2016

What Is the Best Price for Sunday School Material?

I hear it all the time. "We can't afford to buy that curriculum for our Sunday School."

So, I have to ask, "What is the right price for Sunday School material?" For too many churches, pastors, DCEs, and Sunday School leaders the quick answer will be "Free."

The question behind it all is "How much is it worth to you? How much do you value it?" For a small Sunday School, the cost for each child could amount to $12-$15 dollars each quarter. A larger Sunday School may have a slightly lower per pupil cost with more children in each classroom. That price has not changed dramatically over the past 20 years, though it has increased some as costs for other things have risen.

If Sunday School is perceived only as an expense, the cost will always be too high. But if Sunday School is seen as an investment in the spiritual lives of children, your children, the value would seem to be priceless, worth any cost. That argument will never convince an accountant, but it might be worth discussing with those whose responsibility it is to provide Christian nurture for children. Does the Sunday School material you use bring eternal value to children?

Therein lies the real cost of free material, or low priced material. It that material is not rich in the Gospel, the pearl without price, it may be "worth less," that is, worth every penny you didn't pay for it.

God bless you as you teach His children His Word!