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Monday, April 18, 2011

What about Easter?

What will the children in your congregation be learning on Easter? That breakfast, egg hunts, and candy are more important than Sunday School?

While it is true that volunteers can be scarce on Easter Sunday, here are four reasons not to cancel or alter Sunday School on this pivotal Sunday in the Church Year.

4. Sunday School should be a habit. This is what we do on Sunday: we go to worship and we go to Sunday School. These are the actions that make our Sabbath complete.

3. Hunting for candy and watching videos about talking vegetables pale when compared to the riches to be found in the study of God's Word.

2. Most churches will get more visitor this Sunday and any other week of the year except Christmas. Visitors equal opportunities to share the Good News of God's love in Christ with children who may have never heard it!

1. The most important reason for Sunday School on Easter? What better day can there be on which to connect the joyous celebration taking place in worship with an insightful lesson about the blessings of the resurrection?

God's blessings as you teach God's children His Word this Easter Sunday!

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