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Monday, May 7, 2012

Let's Review

Last week I wrote about "Sticky Lessons." A key point in that post was that repetition and review are important tools for making lessons stick, for moving information from short-term to long-term memory.

Did You Review?
So, let me ask, when you taught your most recent Sunday School lesson, did you review the lesson from the week before? Did you place the lesson you were teaching into the context of the Bible's narrative in a way that made sense? (A very different task for teaching three-year-olds than for teaching preteens.) After teaching the Bible account did you review it in some way before the end of the session, perhaps by letting the students retell the account while acting it out or creating a drawing about the event and telling their classmates about their picture? Or by playing a review game with the Bible Review Cards (part of every lesson in the Growing in Christ middle and upper grades materials)? Or by simply asking informational and analytical questions?

If You Reviewed
If you review the Bible account as part of your lesson last week, you increased the likelihood that your students will remember the key point and basic facts of the lesson next week, or next month, or the next time they encounter that lesson some day in the future. Good job!

If You Did Not Review
Plan now to include review in your next lesson plan. You and your students will be glad you did. It is sometimes difficult to include review. It may mean not doing something else in the precious window time you have available. But it is worth it! It is one of the significant ways you can make those lessons stick!

God bless you as you make His Word stick in the hearts and lives of His children!

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