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Monday, April 22, 2013

Faith in a Post-Boston World

A colleague, Mark Sengele, is teaching his high school Bible class using Life's Big Questions, God's Big Answers (CPH 203486 $7.99 on sale). He made this relevant point to his students yesterday in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombs.

Your worldview will dynamically affect how you view the event. Those who come away from the Boston news with Christian views will see a fallen world and look to their Savior for comfort, forgiveness, healing, and eternal rest. Law and Gospel.

Those without faith in Christ will seek comfort in better regulation (and perhaps tighter controls on pressure cookers). But we know that the Law is not an answer for sin. The Law cannot eliminate sinful behavior; though at times it can be an effective curb, the Law's purpose is to reveal sin, to demonstrate our shortcomings and prepare us for the Gospel promises.

We can and should support the efforts of the civil authorities to promote the health, safety, and welfare of all citizens. But we cannot trust in civil authority alone to solve the problem of sin in our world. Dealing swiftly and justly with those who hurt and kill others is a good thing. But the only antidote for sin is God's grace, shown in the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, for the sins of all humankind.

God bless you as you teach His children His Word of grace!

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