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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I Wonder If Sunday School Is Destroying Satan?

A couple of weeks ago, I saw this blog post highlighted on a FaceBook page for Christian education professionals in our church body: "I wonder if Sunday School is destroying our kids?" You can read the blog post here:

I'm irked by the post's sensational title, but I hope those who are lured to the post will read it thoroughly and digest its message, because it points to flaws in many Sunday School curricula that I also fight against, the failure to teach Jesus Christ and God's gospel message in every lesson.

At Concordia Publishing House, we are all about producing Sunday School material that nurtures the faith of children, and destroys the power of Satan, through God's Word of Law and Gospel. I pray that you will never find the errors touted in the referenced blog post in our material, and I urge to to contact us if you ever do.

God bless you as you teach His children His Word.

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