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Monday, September 1, 2014

A Good Start on Discipline

Next Sunday many Sunday School teachers will be teaching a new class of students for the first time.

Although discipline strategies will differ by age level and local custom, here are five things that will help most teachers enjoy a good start and maintain a happy classroom environment with their new class.

1. Prepare thoroughly. It can be difficult at times to set sufficient time aside for preparing for your class each week, but it's a fact that being prepared heads off a world of discipline problems. When the teacher is confident, not distracted with last-minute preparations, with less need to bury one's nose in the teacher guide, and knowing what comes next, the students have less opportunity to wander mentally or physically. Pay special attention to engaging presession activities for students as they gather, and prepare an interesting transition into the start of the lesson.

2. Be present early and always. The teacher should be the first one in the room, greeting the students and directing them into presession activities, not studying the teacher guide at the last minute or gathering supplies.

3. Post classroom rules, three or four, perhaps letting the students help craft them. Remind the students of them at the beginning of each class for the first few weeks, and as needed during the lesson.

4. Know your church's policies for handling discipline problems. When should the director or parents be engaged and how? What physical contact is allowed?

5. Team up with a partner. Many congregations have learned the advantages of staffing two deep, placing at least two adults in each classroom. The benefits are obvious, and it is not as difficult as you might believe. It is easier to enlist both volunteers, since they know they will have support in the room.

God bless your good start as you teach His children His Word!

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