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Monday, January 11, 2016

Time for a Census?

Once every ten years, our nation undertakes a census, a count of citizens and an investigation into who they are, what characteristics they exhibit.

Once a year, your Sunday School should also undertake a census. List by name all the children of Sunday School age who are baptized members of your congregation. Then note, to the best of your ability, what characteristics they exhibit.
  • Do they attend Sunday School? How frequently?
  • Do their parents attend Bible class?
  • What other church connections do they have? Worship? Day School attendance? Participation in choir? Other activities?
  • Who are their friends within the congregation?
  • What challenging circumstances do they face?
What value is there in such a list?
  • It is a prayer list. Pray for each family and child, personally and corporately.
  • It may suggest social connections that could encourage more frequent attendance.
  • It can be a source of incremental improvement. The Smiths have never been to Sunday School; what entry level event might attract them? The Jones attend only once in a while; what strategy or incentive might help them be more faithful? The Roberts children sometimes come but their parents are never in Bible class; what class might appeal to them?
  • It can be a aid to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
It's a plan that has been used before! "In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration . . . ." (Luke 2:1-2 ESV)

God's blessings as you teach His children His Word!

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