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Friday, July 15, 2016

Two Things Times Three

Two things I heard today on the radio:
  1. Adult obesity is formed through simple, early habits like preschoolers going to bed early (a habit that reduces late night snacking).
  2. Retirement plans require retirement planning.
Two things every parent wants for their children:
  1. To live a happy, healthy life.
  2. To exhibit lifelong faith and have eternal life.
Two things every congregation should build into their vision statement and the fabric of their ministry:
  1. Strong faith in youth and adults is formed through lifelong---cradle to grave---participation in worship, study of God's Word, and service to my neighbor.
  2. Sunday School is a tool---yes, only one tool among many, but a strong tool---to assist families and individuals grow in faith.
God bless you as you teach His children His Word!

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