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Friday, August 26, 2016

What Can You Improve?

Sunday School success is rarely a result of wholesale revision. It is more often achieved through incremental progress.

What change might you consider this year in your Sunday School to make it better?
  • Re-stock the supply cabinet?
  • Give the Sunday School rooms a face-lift? (refresh faded and torn bulletin board contents, paint the walls, wash windows, remove broken or unused toys and furniture)
  • Recruit parents to "just be present" in the classroom, one parent each week? (It gives parents a glimpse of what goes on in Sunday School, supports good student behavior, and may lead to some substitute or full-time teaching.)
  • Establish a Sunday School e-mail newsletter?
  • Purchase those Teacher Tools packets for your teachers?
  • Push for a 10% increase in the Sunday School budget?
What one thing could you do this year?

God bless you as you teach His children His Word.

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