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Monday, February 8, 2010

From Where I Sit

From where I sit, Sunday School remains a viable tool through which churches teach God's children His Word.

Where do I sit? I am an editor for a denominational publishing house, Concordia Publishing House. I edit Sunday School material of various kinds and a magazine for volunteer Sunday School teachers. Because I make my living from promoting Sunday School, you might be tempted to write me off. I hope you don't.

I'd like to promote conversation about how Sunday School can be more effective in it's task of teaching God's children His Word. I've heard people say that Sunday School is dead. I don't believe it. There are hundreds of thousands of Sunday Schools in the world today. They all struggle to some degree. They exist in a world plagued by sin. But all also succeed to some degree. I know this for certain, because God's Word promises that that is so (Isaiah 55:11).

By God's grace, and with His help and the help of others, our Sunday Schools can be better than they are. I hope you will join me in a quest for better Sunday Schools, better places to teach God's children His Word.

So let me start with two simple questions.

How is your Sunday School doing?

What do you need to improve?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Tom Nummela

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