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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Helping Hands

Okay, it is not a perfect analogy. But if we look at Sunday School using the model of the human body, teachers might be the hands.

Teachers do the "hands on" part of Sunday School, the teaching. Most teachers are volunteers who give hours every week to prepare and teach lessons that share the Gospel with the children placed in their care for a precious hour. They certainly deserve all the help and support we can provide.

On Sunday I was privileged to be a helping hand, and to help the hands, of our Sunday School. I and about fifteen others, parents and children who love Sunday School, gathered to sort the Sunday School curriculum material for the next quarter. Of necessity, the material comes from the publisher (yes, we use Growing in Christ material from Concordia Publishing House) with each set of student material for all thirteen weeks bundled as a unit. For a teacher with ten or fifteen students, separating the material into weekly sets for easy use can take several hours each quarter. So our volunteers assemble two or three weeks before each quarter begins to do this sorting job for all the classes in our Sunday School. The teachers are relieved of this time-consuming and, for one person, somewhat mind-numbing task. And the volunteers, quiate honestly, have a great time!

It's nice to know that with less than an hour of our time, we were able to make a difference, be helping hands, for some of the the hardest working volunteers in our congregation.

How do you support the "hands" of your Sunday School, your teachers?

How do you help make their work easier or more enjoyable?

How do you recognize their service?

Share your ideas!

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