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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Children's Christmas Service

Friends, just a short post before Christmas about that wonderful tradition in many churches: the Sunday School Christmas Service. Perhaps yours has already taken place. Perhaps it is scheduled for Christmas Eve. In our large congregation there are often three such services, two in the weeks before Christmas and one on Christmas Eve. I hope yours was a wonderful event for the congregation, its children, and their families!
Now it's time to start thinking and planning for next year. The first step in that planning process should be defining the purpose for the event. I see the following goals as important ones to consider.
Share the Gospel
The primary purpose of any worship service or Christmas program would proclaim God's Word of grace, the reason He sent His Son, Jesus, to take our human form for a time, life a perfect life and die a sacrificial death in our stead, and win for us eternal life with Him in heaven. Entertainment and photo opportunities don't measure up!
Let the Children Tell the Story
The children's Christmas service or Christmas program is a wonderful opportunity for the children of your Sunday School to share the Gospel with their family, friends, congregation, and community. In the process, it should become a story they understand and can express in words that could be their own.
Tell the Story Accurately
Sad to say, there are many resources offered for your use on this occasion that stray far from the truths of Scripture.It should not need to be said that snowmen and Santas are really not part of the equation.
Tell the Story Winsomely
That is not to say that the service or program cannot enjoyable and touch the hearts of those who see it. Narrations that are well rehearsed, familiar songs and hymns of the season, and a visually rich environment can be important considerations.
What else needs to be said?
What will you be looking for in your next Christmas service?
Thanks for making it another occasion to share God's Word with His children!

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