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Monday, March 4, 2013

"Jesus in Every Lesson" What Does that Mean?

I see this tag line used frequently in curriculum advertising. It makes me wonder . . .

What do they mean?

It's possible to have Jesus in every lesson you teach and still teach moralism.
  • Some religions teach that Jesus was a great prophet but not as great as MuḼammad.
  • Some religions teach that Jesus was a great teacher.
  • Some religions teach that Jesus is our best example of how to live a God-pleasing life.
These religions could teach Jesus in every lesson, and still leave the students stuck in sin, condemned by the Law. They teach children to trust in the wrong Savior. They urge us to earn our own salvation through works done by our own human effort. But the Bible tells us clearly that no one be good enough to earn salvation, and no other name will save us except Jesus.

So, yes, teach Jesus in every lesson. Teach Him clearly through both Law (we have failed to live according to God's will; we have done things He forbids and failed to do the things He commands) and Gospel (Jesus suffered for our sin, died in our place, paid for our sin, and conquered death on our behalf; those with faith in Him have forgiveness, life, and salvation).

Teach Old Testament lessons that point your students to Jesus as their Savior from sin, death, and the devil.

Teach New Testament lessons that show God's love for your students in the life and work of His Son, Jesus.

But don't settle for "Jesus in every lesson" if the full truth of God's Word is not clearly present.

God bless you as you teach God's Word . . . Law and Gospel . . . in every lesson!

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