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Monday, March 18, 2013

What Is Life Application?

I occasionally hear the criticism of our CPH Sunday School materials that they lack “life application.”

For too many customers this means “telling the students how to act and live.” That's the Law! Some would have us present the love that God shows to the world through His Son Jesus and then say to the students, "Go and do likewise." The problem, of course, is that they can't . . . not perfectly, not all the time, and maybe not at all. Our students don't need to hear more Law. They need to hear about Christ's forgiveness.

A good Sunday School lesson is one that teaches Law and Gospel. The Law is taught first; it shows the students the reality of sin, for God's people and for themselves. It points to the need for rescue from sin. Then the Gospel is presented in all its grace and mercy; God loves us, forgives us through Christ, and makes us His children.

A typical Sunday School lesson can also be outlined this way: an attention getter or introduction to focus the students on the lesson, a presentation of the Bible account with discussion that "unpacks" the meaning of the Bible text and the Law and Gospel truths found there, and an opportunity to discuss or express how the Bible account impacts our life.

If the life application section of the lesson focuses on how the students should live, it should avoid negating the Gospel message and leaving the students condemned by the Law or stuck in works righteousness.

Teach Law, then Gospel; not Law, Gospel, Law.

God bless you as you teach His children His Word!

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