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Monday, September 16, 2013

Dear Lord . . .

Hear our prayer on behalf of the Sunday School. In Your grace and mercy . . .
  • Grant that all churches find children in their midst with whom to share Your Word.
  • Grant to all churches willing servants to teach and direct the Sunday School.
  • Bless pastors with both the desire and ability to make Sunday School a high priority in the congregation's ministry.
  • Bless congregations with an abundance of gifts to support Sunday School with excellent resources.
  • Teach discernment to Sunday School leaders to recognize the errors of moralism and works righteousness and to seek an appropriate balance of Law and Gospel as they choose curriculum for their teachers.
  • Give parents both the desire to see their children in Sunday School each week and the willingness to attend Sunday School each week themselves.
  • Give all who teacher Your Word wisdom and understanding, both of the Word and of the students they teach, so that their lessons might be effective in building Your kingdom.
We ask it in Jesus' name, Amen.

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