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Monday, April 14, 2014

He Did It for Me!

Surely that's the goal for the Sunday School lessons around this Easter celebration, the key point we want children and adults alike to take home from their Easter worship and education participation. He did it for me! Christ came in human flesh, lived a perfect human life, gave His body and blood, suffered a human death, and rose in victory over death and the grave . . . for me!

So that I would not be dead in my sins, beaten down by trials and woes, or frightened by the grave. And so that I live as God's child, serve my neighbor in his or her need, forgive those who sin against me, and find Christ in word and water, bread and wine.

Some of the most difficult Words of Scripture will assault our ears and hearts this week, detailing the suffering and death of our Lord. What a blessed joy that we can know for certain, He did it for me!

God bless you as you teach His children these words . . . He did it for you!

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