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Monday, April 28, 2014

To Break or Not to Break for the Summer

You will need to work carefully with congregational leadership on this one, but here's my take.

Achieving a vibrant, growing Sunday School requires huge amounts of energy! Keeping your momentum is difficult, reversing a declining trend even harder. Think of the amount of energy it takes to get that boat moving through the water, to overcome inertia and the drag of friction. When Sunday School is discontinued through the summer, you may actually train your families not to attend, let key volunteers find other things to do with their time, and make a statement about the program's ongoing value.

On the other hand, summer is when lots of families relocate and visit new churches. They are eager to establish roots, and have their children meet new friends. No summer Christian education opportunities will not cut if for them.

With these thoughts in mind, you might want to review the article provided through a recent e-mail from Concordia Publishing House. You can reach it through this link.

God's blessings as you teach His children His Word.

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