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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Summer Is Here!

Children universally look forward to summer! It is a time of warm days, increased free time, and, often, new adventures and discoveries. No doubt you have summer plans---short or long vacation trips, great activities, and family outings.

I hope that Sunday School is part of your summer plans. Summer will bring visitors to your church, as well as families that are using the summer months to move from one job or city to another and are seeking a new church home. Your summer Sunday School can show your congregation’s commitment to Christian education, even as it provides an opportunity for these new folks to get to know others in the church and community.

Concordia Publishing House’s new summer quarter will be a wonderful adventure: 3 in 1: Discovering Our Triune God. Using a summer camp environment (that will compliment this summer’s VBS theme, Camp Discovery), these thirteen lessons will review what we confess about God in the Apostles’ Creed. Along the way, students will dig into 3 Old Testament Bible accounts, 7 events from the Gospels, and 3 lessons from the Book of Acts. The material offers two levels of instruction---one for non-readers and early readers, and one for accomplished readers---and our popular “Search and Find” lesson leaflets, plus a Director CD packed with additional resources.

May God bless your summer as you help children discover their three-in-one God!

3 in 1: Discovering Our Triune God
  1. God Made Us: God Creates the World           Genesis 1–2
  2. God Made Angels: An Angel Rescues Peter  Acts 12:4–17
  3. God Cares for Us: Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath           1 Kings 17:8–24
  4. God Protects Us: God Rescues Israel            Exodus 12:1–28; 13:14
  5. Jesus Is True Man: Jesus Is Born       Luke 2
  6. Jesus Is True God: Jesus Rebukes the Storm           Luke 8:22–25
  7. Jesus Is Our Savior: Jesus Suffers, Dies, and Rises  Matthew 27:27–54; 28:5–6
  8. Jesus Is Our Lord: Jesus Ascends to Heaven            Acts 1:9–11
  9. Jesus Will Return: The Parable of the Ten Virgins     Matthew 25:1–13
  10. The Spirit Creates Faith: Jesus Teaches Nicodemus             John 3:1–16
  11. The Spirit Renews Us: Mary Shows Her Love for Jesus        John 12:1–8
  12. The Spirit Produces Good Works: A Widow’s Offering           Mark 12:41–44
  13. The Spirit Makes the Church Grow: Philip and the Ethiopian             Acts 8:26–39

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