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Friday, June 17, 2016

Fall Preparation Checklist

It's the middle of June. It's time to be thinking about "rallying" your Sunday School troops. Here are some points to consider.
  • Set your "Rally Day" or "Christian Education Sunday." Plan with your pastor to emphasize Sunday School, recognize and commission teachers for their service, and (if you have not already done so) advance students to the next grade. Resources for Rally Day can be found at under "Sunday School Tools."
  • Choose your curriculum (Cross Explorations or Growing in Christ, check them out at and verify your order. The fall material is available on July 1.
  • Choose your "path." New CPH customers can choose either a "Recommended Path" (Old Testament in the fall, followed by two New Testament units in the winter and spring) or a "Chronological Path" (starts in the fall with Old Testament 1 and continues straight through the Bible). Continuing customers should be aware that the Old Testament 2 unit was recently offering in fall 2016; if you choose the chronological path, these lessons may be overly familiar to your students.
  • Enlist teachers for the fall. Work to have two adults in each classroom; it's easier than you think.
  • Contact every eligible family by phone, mail, or email to encourage enrollment in Sunday School.
  • Tour your Sunday School classrooms and list physical improvements: painting walls, new flooring, cleaning the windows, repair/repaint/replace tables and chairs, remove faded/torn posters, etc.
God bless you as you teach His children His Word!

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