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Friday, June 3, 2016

Teachers Two-Deep, Even in the Summer

Those familiar with this blog will know that I have long recommended that Sunday Schools staff two deep in each classroom: two adults present each week throughout the class session. Not only is it helpful in the event of unforeseen events (such as bathroom trips), but it helps maintain discipline, and it is often recommended or required by your church's insurance carrier.

This summer, assuming you continue your Sunday School, two deep is still a good idea, for all those reasons, and one more. As family schedules flex through the summer it will be far easier to maintain a nearly full staff. Yes, on a given Sunday one or more classes may wind up with just one adult in the room, but that's a lot better than none.

And remember, the second adult is WAY easier to recruit than the first since that person can be assured of a partner for support, leadership, and assistance.

God bless you as you teach His children His Word this summer!

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