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Monday, November 5, 2012

Sunday School for the Small Church

What do folks mean when they ask for "Sunday School materials for the small church"?
  • Material that works with ultra-small classes?
  • Material that works with combined grades?
  • Material for all students (preschool through upper grades) in the same room?
  • Material for churches with just one or two teachers?
  • Material that works in small classrooms, or where classes meet in close proximity without the benefit of walls and doors?
  • Material for churches that can't afford copiers?
  • Material for churches that can't afford to purchase leaflets?
I wonder at times whether what is really being asked for is material that requires little or no advance preparation and material that costs next to nothing to purchase.

Me? I'm always suspicious of the easy and cheap stuff. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is (too good to be true).

Teaching God's children His Word is often, maybe even always, hard work that requires preparation to be most effective. And material that will make it happen is worth paying for.

What am I missing?

Maybe there is a "leaner and meaner" way to do Sunday School material?

I'd love to hear your ideas.

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