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Monday, October 29, 2012

Would You Rather Have . . . ?

Would you rather have . . .

. . . full color printing for student material or reproducible pages?

. . . material on a CD that you can print or everything accessible on a well-organized Web site?

. . . too much material in the lesson plan the publisher gives you or enough for the average Sunday School class?

Would you pay more for . . .

. . . a teacher guide that included thumbnail images of the student materials?

. . . a teacher guide with half-size student pages with the answer typed in where applicable?

. . . a teacher guide PDF file on a CD or Web site with hyperlinks to student page and teacher tool images, song recordings, relevant Web sites, and other resources.

Your publisher frequently seeks data on questions like these through surveys. We sometimes makes assumptions about how customers would answer these questions. The "answers will vary" to these questions, but in reality the only answers that probably matter very much to you are your own.

So I'm curious!

What kinds of resources would really make sense in your Sunday School?

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

God bless you as you teach His children His Word.

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