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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The First Secret to Enlisting Teachers

I've written on teacher enlistment before in this blog, but in light of my post last week on summer Sunday School, it seems wise to reiterate.

Most volunteers, when faced with an invitation to teacher Sunday School, have two concerns that need to be addressed.

What am I getting into?
The volunteer will not agree to an open-ended, loosely defined position. Our time is one of our most precious possessions in today's culture and we will not give anyone a blank check on that account. When do I need to show up? How long will it take to prepare? How many weeks am I agreeing to? How do I deal with an occasional absence? Answer these questions up front, and you are more likely to hear those beautiful words, "Yes, I will do it."

Will I be able to do this?
You've answered part of this question when you address the first one. But there's more! No one likes to fail. I'd rather say no, than risk feeling bad about how I'm doing. Can you guarantee me success? Your task here is to assure the potential volunteer that you are fully committed to their success and have thought through the requirements for that success. Show them the wonderful material they will teach from. Offer complete orientation to the task, including a classroom tour, location of supplies, resources for further study, in-service skill building, and an opportunity to shadow one of your best teachers. Explain the discipline policy and procedures that have been successful in dealing with discipline problems. Offer to be close by, even in the room, during their first class, and take a few minutes to debrief that first experience.

Both of these concerns are also addressed by yet another secret to successful volunteer enlistment. Stay tuned for Secret #2 next week!

God bless you as you teach His children His Word!

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