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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Second Secret to Enlisting Volunteer Teachers

It flies in the face of logic for some people, but it is easier to enlist two people to teach a Sunday School class than to enlist just one. And, of course, it is easier to enlist a second teacher to work with a teacher you already have on board.

Filling your teaching positions two deep addresses a number of issues and concerns.
  • As mentioned last week, it eases concerns about the time commitment involved; each teacher has some guaranteed backup if an absence is required.
  • It reduces discipline issues by lowering the student-to-teacher ratio. It also provides the option of one teacher removing a child from the room (maybe because of behavior, but maybe for a medical concern or restroom break) without leaving any child unsupervised.
  • It allows a bit of specialization; one teacher might be good at crafts, another may really enjoy dialog with the students.
  • It provides a sense of fellowship and partnership that most teachers enjoy.
  • It provides for the "two deep" staffing that many churches strive for (and some insurance companies require) to avoid an adult being isolated with a child or group of children.
As you enlist teachers, then, you might look for pairs.
  • A husband and wife
  • A mother or father and a daughter or son
  • Two teachers who are close friends
And, if you recruit your teachers face-to-face (which is a wonderful plan; the more personal the invitation the better), arrange to meet both candidates together to share the job description, the teaching material, information about orientation and training, and Sunday School policies.

What other advantages can you think of for enlisting two teachers for each class?

God bless you as you teach His children His Word!

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