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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Third Secret to Successful Teacher Enlistment

Imagine a continuum, with "personal" at one end and "impersonal" at the other.


The third truth about enlisting teachers (Secret is perhaps not an accurate term this time around) is that the more personal the approach, the more likely the "Yes."

Consider these possible recruiting approaches:
  • bulletin announcements
  • pleas from the pulpit
  • form letters signed by the pastor
  • personal notes from the Sunday School director
  • personal notes from children
  • e-mail
  • phone calls
  • chatting in the parking lot after church
  • visiting in the home
Where does each fall on that continuum? That will tell you something about the usefulness of that approach. That is not to say that it is wrong to let the congregation know you are looking for Sunday School teachers or for the pastor to let the congregation know that he is recommending several names to the Sunday School director for follow up. But the best "Yes" will come from personal contact.

It is of great importance that we know those whom we ask to teach. Let's be honest. No matter how dire the need, there are some people who should probably not teach Sunday School.

My preferred steps for teacher enlistment are these:
1.  Prepare a list of positions to be filled.
2.  Pray.
3.  List as many candidates as come to mind (reviewing the church directory can help).
4.  Consult with the pastor about his recommendations and evaluation of those I've listed.
5.  Select one name for each postion to be filled.
6.  Send a letter to that candidate, including a brief job description and mentioning a day and time I will try to call them with more information.
7.  Make that call and offer or request to meet them face to face.
8.  Describe the need, the skills that person has to meet the need, the training and support the church will offer, and offer to answer any questions.
9.  Allow a week for them to consider the opportunity to teach; arrange a visit to the Sunday School class if they desire.
10. Meet again, or follow up by phone, to hear the conadidate's response.
11. Thanks them for saying "Yes," or thank them for prayerfully considering and go back to step 5.

God bless you as you enlist those who will teach God's children His Word.

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